Friday, September 24, 2010

About Myself ;)

Heyy Hi Buddies :)i'd been named Muhamad Nasharuddin Khiruddin and you're encouranges to called i Nash :)i currently stayed in a busy town of Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. my age is 16 years old , still study in secondary schl :) to those who's born to be a copycats,please don't copied mine account,if you done it you should deserve something,i really hate people kinda of you! so please copied someone else and do not mine :)i hate people who's a arrogant,they think that thierself better than other and hotter enough! you must to be at the hell yah! to those who's love to said something bad about people,i'd just once advise for you,before you talking somethg bad about someone else,you should go to your mirror and look at yourself,if you're better enough than a loo,you can continue back your jerk attitude! people like you is such a bitch ! i just a ordinary guy and to me there is nothing special at mine,but i don't know wht said you bout me :) i'll got crazier if you make me crazier :)i love making a new group of friends :) to me friends is the important wealth tht i had :)don't judge people by their appearance,judge people by their's inside :)i'll respect on you if you do it so to me :)i can friends with all types of people except backstabers :) to those who're love making a new friends lets being friends , who's nice and kinda good wth me ,officially we're friends.those are like bitches to me you're my biggest enemy! i just a simple person and i not a snobbish type like others, i'll comments wth you if you comments me,if you're not,please don't blame on me and said tht i'm a arrogant person,actually i'm not :) i'd been know all teens attitude,some are nice,friendly and good, and some like hell! sorry to said tht,but it is fact! so be aware wth people who love to be a rubbish people,HAHA :)i still single,and try to aim to avoid from couple until i finished my studies,i hope so. if someone hve been stolen my heart i tought tht aim will be cancelled officially,HAHA :D to know more details and closer with me,just leave your comments and we'll start our conversation there,i'll try to reply your comments bud :)

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