Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Dream Family

I dream a happy life with my family,i wish we were like this,but why it's not happening? Do i never feel it ? I always full of jealousy seems my friends family laughing all together, weekends hangout spend time each other, they were loved each other. I always cried all alone in a room thinking about this, maybe god not let me feel this way, a happy family.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

True Love Kiss

I've been dreaming a true love kiss. Who's my truee love kiss ? I wish it's you , becouse
someone said true love kiss is the most powerfull things ! kiss and tell me that you are my
true love dear !

Step Up 3D

The story begins in traditional video style, as several of the film's characters are recorded and asked a series of questions about why they dance. The film then cuts to Moose (Adam Sevani) and Camille Gage (Alyson Stoner) who are both dancers and attend New York University. Moose is majoring in electrical engineering after promising his mother that he would not dance anymore. At that moment, he saw a pair of Limited Edition Gun Metal Nike Dunks worn by Luke (Rick Malambri). Moose followed the shoes and then accidentally stumbles upon a dance battle, where he beats Kid Darkness from House of Samurai. Luke takes him back to his place, an old warehouse converted into a club. Luke shows Moose the House of Pirates, his dance crew, where he later teams up with them to compete in the World Jam dance contest against their rivals, the House of Samurai dance crew. But then, Jacob (Keith Stallworth), a member of House of Pirates, informs Luke that the warehouse will be put up for auction if the overdue rents are not made.

Luke meets a girl named Natalie (Sharni Vinson) at his club and quickly takes notice of her dancing abilities, enlisting her to become part of his crew. However, he is unaware of Natalie's true motives.

Moose found his time to be increasingly tighter as he had to choose between studies and dance many times, including once when his test clashes with a dance competition. He decides to go for the test, but upon seeing the test paper and receiving an angry message from Luke, he decides to ditch the test and rushes to the competition in the nick of time.

Luke and Natalie become increasingly close as the movie progresses. They share many intimate moments. Luke explains his true intentions with his recordings and dance interviews. Yet, Natalie is hiding the fact that her brother is Julien (Joe Slaughter) the leader of their enemy, House of Samurai, and lies about everything but the love connection between her and Luke.

Natalie faces a hard decision torn between her love and her family. She decides to leave Luke. However, Julien uses her phone to invite Luke for her birthday party. Luke asks Moose to attend the party with him, as he wanted a friend with him, but because they had no invitation, they weren't permitted to enter. They find a way to get in, then finally sees her on the dance floor and dance tango. While they were having an intimate moment, Julien takes the chance to appear and reveals Natalie's identity. Luke is angry with Natalie. When Luke arrives back at the warehouse, he finds it is closed. Angry at himself for not being a better leader, he exclaims that the House of Pirates is over, and the crew goes their separate ways.

Meanwhile, Moose and Camille are best friends but Moose doesn't seem to see that Camille is in love with him. The two fall out during the film because Moose lies to Camille about dancing and she feels like he can't talk to her anymore. Camille feels that Moose doesn't have time for her anymore and tells him she misses him and feels like he doesn't miss her at all. Moose tells Camille that he misses dancing but misses her more and that she is his best friend in the whole world.

The two make up on NYC streets by dancing to a remix of Gene Kelly and Ginger Rogers. Camille tells Moose that he can never give up dancing as he was born to do it. Moose then helps out Luke by bringing the House of Pirates back together, and giving him additional members for his crew including Camille and The MSA Crew from Step Up 2: The Streets. They later find out one of their former members is over with the House of Samurai. They also find out Julien is buying their warehouse, but says if they throw the battle, they can have it back. They don't take the offer.

Natalie helps Luke to win the World Jam at the end with the routine they had practiced in the past. She invites him to come with her to California, which he does at the end of the film, meeting her at the train station and kissing her. Following this, Moose kisses Camille, showing her he really does like her. Before leaving for California with Natalie, Luke gives Moose a pair of Limited Edition Gun Metal Nike Dunks which he saw at the beginning of the film. The film ends with Moose and Camille saying 'Lets Party People' to the cre

This Movie Freakingly Awesome! I'm Enjoyed It, Dance Until Die!


The beautiful princess Giselle is banished by an evil queen from her magical, musical animated land and finds herself in the gritty reality of the streets of modern-day Manhattan. Shocked by this strange new environment that doesn't operate on a "happily ever after" basis, Giselle is now adrift in a chaotic world badly in need of enchantment. But when Giselle begins to fall in love with a charmingly flawed divorce lawyer who has come to her aid - even though she is already promised to a perfect fairy tale prince back home - she has to wonder: Can a storybook view of romance survive in the real world?

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Andalasia, a beautiful young maiden named Giselle lives in a cottage in the forest. But before she can marry the dashing Prince Edward, Giselle is sent tumbling down a magical well - and finds herself in the non-animated, extremely disenchanted world of modern-day New York City. There, she befriends a cynical divorce lawyer, Robert, who isn't so sure that her prince is coming to rescue her. Giselle's spontaneous singing and fairy-tale demeanor enchant everyone around her as she waits for Prince Edward. But she's about to discover that love in the real world isn't always as easy as sharing a single True Love's Kiss - and that she'll need courage, spunk and maybe just a little enchantment if she's ever going to find her own happily-ever-after.

In the animated fairytale world of Andalasia lives the beautiful princess-in-waiting, Giselle. She is waiting for a prince to come so that the two can live happily ever after. Prince Edward hears her sweetly singing calls. They meet. They immediately fall in love and are to be married the next day. However, before the wedding, an old hag sends Giselle down a wishing well, which is really an abyss to her banishment to another world. The hag is Narissa, Edward's evil stepmother in disguise, she who does not want ever to relinquish her queendom. The other world is present day, live action, gritty New York City. Giselle does not understand her new environment and is not treated well until she meets six year old Morgan Philip, who like most girls her age loves fairy-tales and princesses. Morgan's father is cynical divorce lawyer Robert Philip, who because of his work and own failed marriage does not like to encourage his daughter to dream about fairy-tales. Meanwhile, Edward, with his trusty chipmunk sidekick Pip, comes down the abyss to look for his love. But Narissa has her own plans in light of Edward's action.

In an animated fairy tale world, a young girl meets and falls in love with the handsome prince of her dreams. News of this romance upsets the prince's mother, the evil queen, who uses her black magic to send the girl hurtling out of the animated world into the one place in the universe where there is no true love: modern day Manhattan. The now-real girl has to survive in New York City and find her way home again to her true love.

The Best Fairytale Movie I Ever Watch

Friday, September 24, 2010

About Myself ;)

Heyy Hi Buddies :)i'd been named Muhamad Nasharuddin Khiruddin and you're encouranges to called i Nash :)i currently stayed in a busy town of Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia. my age is 16 years old , still study in secondary schl :) to those who's born to be a copycats,please don't copied mine account,if you done it you should deserve something,i really hate people kinda of you! so please copied someone else and do not mine :)i hate people who's a arrogant,they think that thierself better than other and hotter enough! you must to be at the hell yah! to those who's love to said something bad about people,i'd just once advise for you,before you talking somethg bad about someone else,you should go to your mirror and look at yourself,if you're better enough than a loo,you can continue back your jerk attitude! people like you is such a bitch ! i just a ordinary guy and to me there is nothing special at mine,but i don't know wht said you bout me :) i'll got crazier if you make me crazier :)i love making a new group of friends :) to me friends is the important wealth tht i had :)don't judge people by their appearance,judge people by their's inside :)i'll respect on you if you do it so to me :)i can friends with all types of people except backstabers :) to those who're love making a new friends lets being friends , who's nice and kinda good wth me ,officially we're friends.those are like bitches to me you're my biggest enemy! i just a simple person and i not a snobbish type like others, i'll comments wth you if you comments me,if you're not,please don't blame on me and said tht i'm a arrogant person,actually i'm not :) i'd been know all teens attitude,some are nice,friendly and good, and some like hell! sorry to said tht,but it is fact! so be aware wth people who love to be a rubbish people,HAHA :)i still single,and try to aim to avoid from couple until i finished my studies,i hope so. if someone hve been stolen my heart i tought tht aim will be cancelled officially,HAHA :D to know more details and closer with me,just leave your comments and we'll start our conversation there,i'll try to reply your comments bud :)

I'm new blogger here ;)

I just created this blog on Friday,24/09/2010. Actually i'm not intrested with this,but someone have dare me to do so, well im not a loser ,im try to do it, now i did it , yeahhh ;D

Live Your Life ;)

Our life's a stage,a comedy ; either learn to play and take it lightly,or bear its troubles patiently. It's not always like what we wanted.